Bureau of Labor Statics. (2014). Volunteering in the United States, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/volun.pdf

This PDF includes current statistics on volunteering in the United States including volunteering among demographic groups, volunteer rates, volunteer employment status, number and type of organizations, and main volunteer activity for main organization. 


Corporation for National & Community Service. Volunteering and civic life in America. Retrieved from http://www.nationalservice.gov/impact-our-nation/research-and-reports/volunteering-america

A short summary of the Volunteering and Civic Life in America annual research report that includes infographics and statistics from volunteer data into 2012.


Corporation for National & Community Service Staff. (2011). Volunteering in America: 8.1 billon hours served. Retrieved from http://www.serve.gov/?q=servegov-blog-article/volunteering-america-81-billion-hours-served

Featuring infographics created from data released in the annual Volunteering in America report for 2011. Infographics include volunteering rates by age group, by state, and by type of volunteer activity.


Independent Sector. Independent sector’s value of volunteer time. Retrieved from http://www.independentsector.org/volunteer_time

This site lists the Estimated Value of Volunteer Time for 2013 by State and the History of the Dollar Value of a Volunteer Hour: 1980-2013. 


Kellogg Commission on the Future of the State and Land-Grant Universities. (1999). Returning to our roots: The engaged institution. Retrieved from http://www.aplu.org/NetCommunity/Document.Doc?id=183

A report on methods towards promoting civic engagement and supporting local and national needs at land-grant institutions in the United States released February 1999. This repot was directed towards university presidents and chancellors. 


S. B. Gelmon, S. D. Seifer, J. Kauper-Brown, & M. Mikkelsen. (2005). Building capacity for community engagement: Institutional self-assessment. Seattle, WA: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health. Retrieved from https://depts.washington.edu/ccph/pdf_files/self-assessment-copyright.pdf

An assessment tool to measure civic engagement related to community engagement.


Tishman, S. (2012). How engaging millennial volunteers will improve your organization. Retrieved from http://blogs.volunteermatch.org/engagingvolunteers/2012/06/13/how-engaging-millennial-volunteers-will-improve-your-whole-organization/

Hosted on the VolunteerMatch.org website this article includes information about the millennial population, best practices for optimizing nonprofit outreach, and engaging millennials with volunteerism. The site also includes data and infographics that highlight methods towards engaging millennial volunteers.