The Community Wellness, Education & Safety Network is made up of university programs and response teams that provide support, prevention and intervention for students in crisis. The network helps provide crisis assessment, resource referral and advocacy.


The Community Wellness, Education & Safety Network aligns new and existing OSU student services and programs focused on crisis prevention, intervention, advocacy and situational stabilization and assessment. It provides response resources to assist students in crisis. The network will include new personnel who will have appropriate training, credentials and experience to develop and provide crisis response programs and services. Education and community engagement programming also are emphasized as part of the network, and on-campus public safety and licensed law enforcement programs will be continued and improved.   

Response Teams

Student Care Team

The Student Care Team is supported by the following units:
Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling & Psychological Services, Academic Advising, Department of Public Safety, Disability Access Services, Graduate School, INTO OSU, Office of Equal Opportunity & Access, Office of International Services, Ombudsman, University Police, University Housing & Dining Services, Student Care, Student Conduct & Community Standards, Student Health Services, Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education

Threat Assessment Team

The Threat Assessment Team is supported by the following units: 
Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling & Psychological Services, Office of Human Resources, Department of Public Safety, OSU Police, Office of General Counsel

Bias Response Team

The Bias Response Team is supported by the following units: 
Office of Institutional Diversity, University Housing & Dining Services, Counseling & Psychological Services, Office of Institutional Diversity (co-leader), Office of International Services, Diversity & Cultural Engagement, Student Conduct & Community Standards, Office of Student Care, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access

  OSU Assist  

OSU Assist, a newly established team, includes representatives of the:
Student Care Team, Threat Assessment Team, Bias Response Team

OSU Assist is supported by the following units and partners (varies depending on crisis): 
Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Health Services, Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education, OSU Police, community partner agencies, Department of Public Safety

Network Structure

The Community Wellness, Education & Safety Network will consist of three program components: community health and crisis response; public safety and security services; and community relations, education and outreach. The network will increase alignment of existing resources and services and provide stronger collaboration among departments. There will also be additional staff resources within the Division of Student Affairs to provide 24/7 on-call student mental health crisis response services and personnel.


Download the organizational structure in a PDF or request an alternative format from the Office of the Dean of Students.

Departments supporting the Community Crisis and Health Response: Student Crisis Coordination Office, Student Care, Counseling & Psychological Services, Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education, Basic Needs Center, University Housing & Dining Services, Student Health Services

Departments supporting Safety and Security Services: Department of Public Safety, Environmental Health & Safety

Departments supporting Community Relations, Education and Outreach: Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Institutional Diversity, University Housing & Dining Services, Student Conduct & Community Standards, Student Health Services