Be a part of something important.

The BNC Advisory Board is a group of students, staff and community members who provide important input about the BNC on everything from budgets, program priorities and advocacy goals. One of the most important functions of the Advisory Board is the presentation of our annual budget request to the ASOSU Student Fee Committee, where we get most of our funding from. Student input is an essential part of this process. 

How to Participate in BNC Advisory Board Activities

Anyone with the time and interest available can participate, including students who are taking a break from OSU for a term, faculty, staff and other stakeholders.

BNC Advisory Board activities will include the following: 

  • Monthly Community Table events - these are conversational meals where participants provide feedback, input and engage in dialogue about BNC programs, challenges and barriers that are being experience by low-income students, and unmet needs within our community. These conversations are reservation-only through the remainder of the Pandemic period to meet vaccination requirements. These events are posted and advertised on BNC social media channels: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Notes from each table these will be integrated into program changes, budget planning conversations and archived.
  • Digital engagement opportunities - The BNC Budget Manager and the BNC SFC Liason will use digital tools including social media posts and Instagram Live to educate BNC student users about the student fee process, the BNC budget, program development conversations and other education information about how the BNC budget works. The program will also solicit input through comments, voting tools and other digital tools. Where possible records of these conversations and related input will be archived. 

Connect with the BNC Budget Manager

The BNC Budget Manager, BNC Director Nicole Hindes is happy to hear from students with feedback, thoughts and ideas about the BNC budget and programs. Students can email [email protected] or visit Nicole during her office hours, Tuesday from 4-5 pm or Fridays from 10-12 noon. 

The BNC receives $14.92 of each student's fee each term

This modest amount results in tens of thousands of meals for food insecure students, hundreds of hours of BNC student staff wages, utilities, program supplies, and much much more. For more information about student fee levels for other units on campus, see the executive report (PDF) available on the ASOSU Student Fee Committee website. 

Meeting Schedule

The previous BNC Advisory Board activity was an instagram live discussing the BNC budget. The next Advisory Board activity will be announced prior to the event.


Current BNC Advisory Board bylaws can be found outlined on this document

Meeting Minutes

Anyone interested in reading meeting minutes for prior years from BNC Advisory Board can find them here