While in college, you may have the experience of attending or hosting a party. If you do find yourself attending or hosting a party, you should be aware of the laws that may impact you. The following section highlights laws that you should know and provides you with tips for hosting a safe party.

Laws You Should Know

Special Response Notice (SRN)

An SRN is a written notice issued by the Corvallis Police Department for violations like littering, noise or indecent exposure. You will not be charged for the first SRN. However, if you receive a second SRN within 30 days, you’ll be billed for what it cost the city to respond to both incidents. And that could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Minor in Possession (MIP)

It’s against the law to consume alcohol or marijuana if you’re under 21. An MIP comes with a $250 fine and suspension of your driver’s license for up to a year. You cannot be arrested for an MIP, but you can be arrested for lying about your name and date of birth or running from the police.

Furnishing to Minors

If underage people are caught drinking in your residence you may be charged with a misdemeanor. Furnishing alcohol or marijuana to minors is taken seriously in Corvallis. If someone under 21 is caught drinking or consuming marijuana in your residence, your penalties are:

  • First conviction: $500
  • Second conviction: $1000
  • Third conviction: $1,500 and at least 30 days in jail

Medical Amnesty Law

This law protects those under 21 from getting an MIP when calling 911 for someone they think has alcohol poisoning. The person making the call and the person in need of medical attention are both protected under this law. If you see someone who needs medical attention, call 911. After you call, stay with the person until help arrives.

Unlawful amplified sound

This Class A violation is applied when a person is playing a sound device (such as a stereo, TV, or radio) which is audible for more than 50 feet from the source of the sound. Applicable 24 hours a day. This violation comes with a hefty fine of $306. If you’re hosting a party, consider applying for a sound permit through the City of Corvallis. It only costs $5!

Party Smart

If you decide to host a party or just have a few friends over, be safe and respectful of your neighbors.

  • Control who you let in. Have a guest list, and politely refuse anyone you don’t know. Avoid public invitations on social media. As a host, you’re responsible for your guests and their behavior — and that can have significant financial and legal implications.
  • Call for help if needed. If your party gets out of control, call the police for help. If it’s an emergency, call 911. Otherwise, call the Corvallis Police Department’s nonemergency line — 541-766- 6911.
  • Be respectful. If the police arrive, don’t turn off the lights and pretend you’re not at home. If you refuse to open the door and cooperate, the police may request a search warrant, the cost of which will likely be passed on to you.
  • Have sober monitors. Sober monitors can look out for anyone getting intoxicated and speak to the police or neighbors if they stop by.
  • Don’t allow open sources of alcohol or premixed and sweetened drinks such as jungle juice. Its alcohol content may vary and can be masked with high levels of sugar.
  • Provide food, water, and other nonalcoholic beverages. Plus, a great party is a party with food.
  • Don’t let your guests drink and drive. Even riding a bicycle when impaired is considered a DUII. As the host, you may also be liable if someone at your party receives a DUII. Call a taxi or use ASOSU SafeRide to get your guests home safely.
  • Be a good neighbor. Notify your neighbors and give them a phone number to call if the noise becomes excessive. Keep in mind, neighbors have no obligation to call you before they call the police.

Check out this checklist if you are hosting an event for more information.

Party Checklist