To view Oregon University System: Oregon State University's entire Student Conduct Code CLICK HERE. The following sections of the Student Conduct Code are listed on this page:
Offenses Proscribed by the University
A Student or Student Organization found to have committed any of the following proscribed acts is subject to sanctions under these rules:
(1)Obstruction or disruption of teaching, learning, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other institutional activities, including the institution's public service functions or other authorized activities on institutionally-owned or controlled property. Disruptive behavior may include but is not limited to the following, where it has the effect of obstructing or disrupting the University activities listed above:
a) repeatedly leaving and entering the classroom without authorization;
b) making loud or distracting noises;
c) arriving late or leaving early;
d) persisting in speaking without being recognized;
e) behavior that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety.
The instructor has authority to manage the classroom environment, which may include requiring a Student to leave when the Student's behavior disrupts the teaching or learning environment. If the Student refuses to leave, the instructor may call the Department of Public Safety for assistance and should submit an Incident Report Form to SCCS to initiate disciplinary proceedings.
(2) Academic or Scholarly Dishonesty:
a) Academic or Scholarly Dishonesty is defined as an act of deception in which a Student seeks to claim credit for the work or effort of another person, or uses unauthorized materials or fabricated information in any academic work or research, either through the Student's own efforts or the efforts of another.
b) It includes:
(i) CHEATING - use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids, or an act of deceit by which a Student attempts to misrepresent mastery of academic effort or information. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying or collaboration on a test or assignment, using prohibited materials and texts, any misuse of an electronic device, or using any deceptive means to gain academic credit.
(ii) FABRICATION - falsification or invention of any information including but not limited to falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references.
(iii) ASSISTING - helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty. This includes but is not limited to paying or bribing someone to acquire a test or assignment, changing someone's grades or academic records, taking a test/doing an assignment for someone else by any means, including misuse of an electronic device. It is a violation of Oregon state law to create and offer to sell part or all of an educational assignment to another person (ORS 165.114).
(iv) TAMPERING - altering or interfering with evaluation instruments or documents.
(v) PLAGIARISM - representing the words or ideas of another person or presenting someone else's words, ideas, artistry or data as one's own, or using one's own previously submitted work. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to copying another person's work (including unpublished material) without appropriate referencing, presenting someone else's opinions and theories as one's own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as one's own.
c) Academic Dishonesty cases are handled initially by the academic units, following the process outlined in the University's Academic Dishonesty Report Form, and will also be referred to SCCS for action under these rules.
(3) Obstruction or disruption that interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on institutionally-owned or controlled property.
(4) Hazing, defined as any action that endangers the physical, emotional, mental health or safety of an individual, or destroys or damages personal property for the purpose of initiation, membership, admission or participation in a group or organization. Expressed or implied consent of the person subject to hazing is not a defense. Apathy and acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule. Acts that constitute hazing when they endanger the physical, emotional, mental health or safety of an individual, or destroy or damage personal property, include but are not limited to:
a) acts that are prohibited under any applicable law, including but not limited to ORS 163.197, under which hazing is a criminal violation;
b) interfering with a Student's academic performance by denying sufficient time for class, study or other academic activities;
c) compelling ingestion of any substance;
d) compelling participation in physical activities such as calisthenics, exercise, or other games or activities requiring physical exertion;
e) compelling exposure to weather elements or other physically or emotionally uncomfortable situations;
f) compelling excessive fatigue from sleep deprivation, physical activities, or exercise;
g) committing any act of physical brutality against another including but not limited to paddling, striking with fists, open hands or objects, and branding;
h) kidnapping or transporting another with the intent of stranding him or her;
i) compelling conduct that can be reasonably expected to embarrass or adversely affect the dignity of another, including the performance of public stunts and activities such as scavenger hunts;
j) intentionally creating work or labor for another;
k) compelling another to commit any sexual act or engage in lewd behavior;
l) compelling any act that results in the destruction, defacement or removal of private or public property
(5) Harassment, defined as conduct of any sort directed at another that is severe, pervasive or persistent, and is of a nature that would cause a reasonable person in the victim's position substantial emotional distress and undermine his or her ability to work, study or participate in his or her regular life activities or participate in the activities of the University, and actually does cause the victim substantial emotional distress and undermines the victim's ability to work, study, or participate in the victim's regular life activities or participate in the activities of the University. Stalking behavior that meets this definition constitutes Harassment within the meaning of this rule.
(6) Sexual Harassment, as defined in the University's Policy on Sexual Harassment.
(7) Discriminatory Harassment, as defined in the University's Policy on Discriminatory Harassment.
(8) Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other dangerous weapons or instrumentalities on institutionally-owned or controlled property, in contravention of law or institutional rules.
(9) Illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs or illegal substances on institutionally-owned or controlled property.
(10) Alcohol violations, including possession or consumption of alcohol by persons less than 21 years of age, furnishing alcohol to persons less than 21 years, or consumption of alcohol by a Student of any age in violation of the University's rules or policies on alcoholic beverages on University owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised activities.
(11) Rape, sexual assault, or unwanted sexual contact of any kind, and the threat of such contact, are prohibited, as is any physical abuse. Sexual contact shall be considered "unwanted" or without consent if no clear consent is freely given; if inflicted through force, threat of force, or coercion; or if inflicted upon a person who is unconscious or otherwise without the physical or mental capacity to consent. If sexual contact is inflicted on someone who is intoxicated or impaired in the exercise of their judgment by alcohol or drugs, it may be considered without consent.
(12) Detention or physical abuse of any person or conduct that threatens imminent bodily harm or endangers the health of any person on any institutionally-owned or controlled property.
(13) Invasion of another's privacy, where that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, including but not limited to the use of electronic devices to make an unauthorized audio or video recording of any person while on University owned or controlled property without his or her prior knowledge, or without his or her effective consent, when such a recording is of information or of images taken from or of a person at a time and place where she or he has a reasonable expectation of privacy and where the recording is reasonably likely to cause injury or distress.
(14) Unauthorized recording of a class or of organizational or University meetings. To obtain the required authorization, the Student or Student Organization must obtain expressed permission from the faculty member, Student Organization, or University representative or official in charge of the class, meeting, or activity.
(15) Malicious damage, misuse or theft of institutional property, or the property of any other person where such property is located on institutionally-owned or controlled property or, regardless of location, is in the care, custody, or control of an institution.
(16) Refusal by any person while on institutional property to comply with an order of the President or appropriate authorized official to leave such premises because of conduct proscribed by this rule when such conduct constitutes a danger to personal safety, property, or educational or other appropriate institutional activities on such premises.
(17) Unauthorized entry to or use of institutional facilities, including buildings and grounds.
(18) Smoking in unauthorized areas in violation of OAR 576-040-0010.
(19) Falsification or misuse of University information, including but not limited to records, permits, documents, computer resources, identification cards, etc.; or the furnishing of false or misleading information to the University or its representative; or refusal to provide one's name, class, school, and local address when requested by a University official, provided the official is identified and indicates legitimate reason for the request.
(20) Unauthorized use of University computing resources in violation of the University's Acceptable Use of Computing Resources Policy.
(21) Inciting others to engage in any of the conduct or to perform any of the acts prohibited herein. Inciting means that advocacy of proscribed conduct which calls on the person or persons addressed for imminent action, and is coupled with a reasonable apprehension of imminent danger to the functions and purposes of the institution, including the safety of persons and the protection of its property.
(22) Violating the State Board of Higher Education's Policy on Intercollegiate Athletics as described in Section 8 of its Internal Management Directives, specifically including the subsection thereof entitled Code of Ethics.
(23) Violation of any federal or state law or city or local ordinance or University rule or policy that applies to the Student.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070
Violations of the Student Conduct Code by Student Organizations
When members of a Student Organization act together in a way that violates the Student Conduct Code, the Student Organization is expected to hold itself accountable.
(1) When a potential Organization Violation of the Student Conduct Code occurs, SCCS may review the incident to determine the appropriate process for resolution. Generally, the University will expect a Student Organization to hold itself accountable for the acts of its members when those acts are related to the Student Organization's activities.
a) The Student Organization or its governing body will notify SCCS and keep it informed at all stages of the process.
b) The University, through SCCS, reserves the right to take immediate jurisdiction at its discretion. The Student Organization or governing body may still hold its members accountable in the situation, but must do so in conjunction with SCCS.
(2) If a person affected by the alleged violation is not satisfied with the action taken by the Student Organization, that person may file a grievance with the appropriate governing body or, if none exists, with SCCS.
(3) If, in the judgment of the Director of SCCS, sufficient action is not taken in a timely manner by the Student Organization, the case will be reviewed for possible action by SCCS.
(4) In deciding whether the Student Organization is responsible for the violation, the University will consider whether one or more of the following factors are present:
a) The violation arises out of an event sponsored, organized, financed, or endorsed by the Student Organization;
b) The violation occurs on premises owned or controlled by the Student Organization;
c) The leadership of the Student Organization had knowledge, or should have had knowledge, of the likelihood that a violation would occur and failed to take corrective action; or
d) A pattern of individual violations is found to have existed without proper and appropriate group control, remedy, or sanction.
The Student Conduct Code shall apply to a Student's or Student Organization's conduct that occurs on University premises, at University sponsored or affiliated activities regardless of location, and to off campus conduct that adversely affects the University community or the pursuit of University objectives. These standards shall apply to a Student's conduct even if the Student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. Examples of behavior that adversely impacts the University community may include but are not limited to physical or sexual assault, rape, hazing, harassment, stalking, furnishing alcohol to minors, distribution of drugs or illegal substances, or illegal weapons use. The University has sole discretion to determine what conduct occurring off campus adversely impacts the University community and/or the pursuit of University objectives.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070
The University utilizes an educational and restorative sanctioning model. The sanction applied will be commensurate with the violation committed and become progressively more demanding or severe if the Student or Student Organization repeats violations, demonstrating that learning has not taken place. An accumulation of a variety of violations may result in severe sanctions such as deferred suspension, suspension, and expulsion. Violations that affect the health, safety and well being of the community are deemed the most severe and may result, upon the first violation, in a suspension or expulsion. Students or Student Organizations exhibiting behavior that violates any part of the Student Conduct Code are subject to one or more of the following:
(1) Warning: Official notice to a Student or Student Organization exhibiting behavior that violates any part of the Student Conduct Code. The continuation of such behavior may result in further conduct action.
(2) Required Educational Activities: Mandatory participation in educational activities. Such Education Activities include but are not limited to completion of a report or attendance at a seminar or other educational program or presentation.
(3) University/Community Service Work Hours: A Student or Student Organization is required to complete a specified number of hours of service to the University or general Community.
(4) Behavior Expectations Agreement: A contract between the University and the Student outlining specific behavior expectations.
(5) Restitution: The Student or Student Organization is required to provide reimbursement by dollar amount, by transfer of property, or by provision of services to the University or a member of the University community in accordance with the nature of the violation and in an amount not in excess of actual expenses, damages, or losses incurred.
(6) Restrictions: Removal from a Student Organization, denial of entry to specific University facilities or other restrictions consistent with the violation committed. For a Student Organization, restrictions may include denial of specific University privileges including but not limited to sponsored social activities, sponsored parties or philanthropy, participation in intramurals, representing the University and any travel in connection with such representation, recruitment, membership or representation on a governing council, use of space for a meeting or event on campus, participation in competition and events, and receipt of institutional funding.
(7) No Contact Order: A No Contact Order is a directive to a Student or Students to refrain from any intentional contact, direct or indirect, with one or more designated persons through any means including personal contact, e-mail, telephone, or third parties.
(8) Academic Sanction: Students whose behavior is found to constitute Academic or Scholarly Dishonesty as defined in OAR 576-015-0020(2) are subject to additional academic sanctions, which may include but are not limited to failing the course, removal from an academic department, or removal from a college. Academic sanctions are imposed by the instructor, department chair or dean and are noted on the Academic Dishonesty Report Form in accordance with Academic Regulation 15.
(9) Removal from a Class: A Student's removal from a class may be temporary or permanent. Permanent removal from a class may be authorized by the Director of SCCS with concurrence from the Dean of the College in which the class is offered. A Student who is permanently removed from a class will receive a "W" (Withdrawal) on the academic transcript. No refunds for tuition or other class fees will be made.
(10) Conduct Probation: Placement on probationary status during which there is observation and review of behavior and the Student or Student Organization must demonstrate compliance with the Student Conduct Code. Terms of the Conduct Probation will be determined at the time the probation is imposed and may include additional sanctions including but not limited to loss of privileges, restrictions, restitution, and/or required educational activities.
(11) Conduct Suspension:
a) Deferred Suspension: Placement on deferred suspension status during which there is observation and review of behavior. If the Student or Student Organization is found to further violate the Student Conduct Code during this period then the Student/Student Organization is suspended without further hearings. Deferred Suspension may be for a period of one term up to and including the remainder of a Student's enrollment at the University; Deferred Suspension for a Student Organization is generally for one year but may be up to three years.
b) Suspension:
(i) Student - Exclusion from the University and all University property for a specified period of time. The Department of Public Safety will exclude the Student from OSU campus upon Suspension. Suspended Students are denied the privileges and services provided to currently enrolled Students, including residing in University-owned or recognized Student housing, attending class, or using other University services or facilities. Suspension is generally for one year, however the period of Suspension may be specified for any period of time;
(ii) Student Organization - Loss of University recognition or registration for a specified period of time. The Organization must comply with all sanctions prior to being registered or recognized again. While a Student Organization is Suspended it may not use University resources;
(iii) The conditions of Suspension take effect immediately after the Student or Student Organization has been informed of the decision. If an appeal is filed, the imposition of the Suspension will be delayed until the conclusion of the appeal process. However, if a pending conduct hearing or appeal may result in Suspension as determined by the Director of SCCS, awarding of a Student's academic degree will be postponed pending the outcome of the conduct hearing.
(12) Expulsion: Permanent Conduct Suspension
(13) Degree Revocation
Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070