Many students face difficult times during college; unexpected life events, personal crises, illness or injury, hospitalization, loss of a loved one, and mental health challenges, are examples of challenges that can interfere with college success. Student Care is dedicated to assisting students experiencing extenuating circumstances through resource referral, care coordination, and university navigation.
Problem-solve within the university and community through one-on-one support
Access referrals for personal matters/emergencies
Learn and understand Oregon State University policies and procedures
All currently enrolled and recently enrolled OSU students
Parents and families may request assistance on behalf of students.
All faculty, staff, and advisors are welcome to connect with Student Care.
Phone: (541) 737-8748
Text: (541) 351-8276 (9 AM - 5 PM, Monday-Friday)*
Prior to your first meeting, we encourage you to review this guide to know what to expect before, during, and after your first meeting.
*Our text line will help you with initial questions or concerns, and help you schedule an appointment with our support staff. If you are worried about the safety of someone, we want to ensure you are connected with a professional counselor. After hours call the CAPS 24/7 crisis line at 541-737-2131 or email CAPS during regular business hours: [email protected]. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, please text 'OREGON' to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255.